Historic Building Reports • Heritage Statements • Archival Research

Before planning or listed building consent can be obtained for changes to an historic building, it is usually a requirement to first establish the impact of change on its heritage significance. Our historic building reporting carefully records the building’s present structure and setting, and diligently researches its past to reveal historical cause behind material effect.

Our approach to historic building reports and heritage statements is practical as well as academic, creating a foundation to guide conservation while also identifying future potential; we support sensitive change when development creates sustainable places while conserving and enhancing their significance.

All of our reports are set out in accordance with Historic England’s good practice guidelines.

  • "Your historic building report and heritage statement provided all of the information required by the planners and went much further by significantly expanding our knowledge and understanding of the house and its historic phases of development."

    William Wyndham / Grade I Listed Historic House Owner


Historic Building Reports

Historic Building Reports London Wiltshire Dorset  Somerset

Our Historic Building Reports provide a record of a standing heritage asset prior to any works being undertaken. Our reports are often commissioned to satisfy a planning requirement.

Our reports are exceptionally well illustrated, using high quality drawings, plans and photography whenever required, and are written to be accessible to private owners as well as informative to architects, contractors, local planning authorities, and planning consultants.

Our reports vary in detail to suit the site and the purpose of the report and, in line with Historic England’s guidelines, comprise four levels:

• Level 1

A basic visual record, supplemented by the minimum of information needed to identify the building’s location, age and type. Typically used to gather basic information about a large number of buildings for planning purposes and when much ground has to be covered in a short time.

• Level 2

A descriptive record when more information than Level 1 is needed. Both the exterior and interior of the building will be seen, described and photographed. The examination of the building will produce an analysis of its development and use, and the record will include the conclusions reached. A plan and sometimes other drawings may be made.

• Level 3

An analytical record comprising an introductory description followed by a systematic account of the building’s origins, development and use. The record will include an account of the evidence on which the analysis has been based, allowing the validity of the record to be re-examined in detail. The report will include all drawn and photographic records that may be required to illustrate the building’s appearance and structure, and to support an historical analysis.

Level 4

A comprehensive analytical record and whereas the analysis and interpretation employed at Level 3 will clarify the building’s history so far as it may be deduced from the structure itself, the record at Level 4 will draw on the full range of other sources of information about the building and discuss its significance in terms of architectural, social, regional or economic history. The range of drawings may also be greater than at other levels.

We can advise you on the appropriate level of report for your needs, and will provide a fully costed quotation before any work commences.


Heritage Statements

Heritage Statements London Wiltshire Dorset Somerset

Sensitive change to historic buildings is beneficial if it extends the use of a building while conserving its significance as a heritage asset.

Under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), a Heritage Statement is required for every development proposal requiring planning permission, or listed building consent, when the proposal directly involves or affects the setting of a building possessing a degree of heritage significance (for both designated and non-designated buildings).

Significance may be archaeological, architectural, artistic, historic, or a combination of these and more, and may derive not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence but also from its setting.

Our Heritage Statements comply with the recommendations of policy 128 of the NPPF and provide local planning authorities with sufficient information to make an appropriate assessment for a planning application or pre-application as to the:

• Significance of the building and its setting 

• Impact of the work upon its significance

• Measures proposed to reduce the impact

• Measures proposed to enhance the significance

• Justification for the works

We will conduct a detailed inspection of the property including a photographic survey. If an architect’s or designer’s drawings are not available, we will undertake a measured survey for the production of detailed drawings.

Information gathered by the site survey will be supplemented by documentary research in main local, county and national records, consulting the relevant Historic Environment Record and including details of statutory designations, planning history and other information where relevant.

We undertake Heritage Statements for architects, engineers, planners, designers and property agents, as well as for private and commercial owners of historic buildings.

The scope of a Heritage Statement varies according to the significance of the assets, the complexity of the buildings, and the level of impact on the asset and setting, all of which has a bearing on the amount of time required for completion and on the cost of the report. We can advise you on your needs and will provide a fully costed quotation before work commences.


Archival Research

Archival research house family histories

High quality archival research is a cornerstone of our reporting services. In addition to our range of historic building reports, we undertake archival and documentary research projects to help private individuals to discover aspects of the past including:

• History of a house 

• History of a place or community

• Biographies of past owners

• Identity of occupiers over time

• Pedigrees for family ownership

• Genealogical research

Research projects are commissioned by owners of all kinds of houses who are interested to know the story of its past and who wish to become more informed curators of it, or sometimes by owners looking to sell their house and seeking to increase its market value.

For house histories our research begins with a full day site visit for a visual and photographic survey and notes, from which we prepare an illustrated account of how the house evolved over time, supported by sketches, floorplans and other explanatory diagrams as necessary. We then undertake detailed and comprehensive research in archives, museums, libraries and other local and national repositories to gather as much information as possible about the property, place, community and its owners and occupiers.

Once completed our standard reports are presented as a PDF, however some clients choose our Design service to produce a high quality printed book with additional layout and illustration options.

We can also produce framed prints of key documents or plans, professionally printed on conservation art paper using archival pigment inks.

Every research commission is unique. We can discuss your needs with you and advise you on the best approach and the time required. We provide a fully costed quotation before work commences.


Heritage assets and their needs vary. We prepare many types of historic building report and heritage assessments to suit individual buildings and planning requirements. If the report you require is not listed above, please contact us for more information.